

Project Information

Title: A Holistic Fire Management Ecosystem for Prevention, Detection and Restoration of Environmental Disasters

Funded under: Horizon 2020 (visit Cordis page)

Overall budget: € 22 918 035

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Role of TUC indigo team


Project Description

TREEADS aims to increase environmental sustainability and urban/ rural ecosystems safety through redefining and reinforcing forests protection and management by developing and validating an innovative, sustainable and applied holistic wildfire management approach.

The project introduces several innovations including:
• Combination of highly divergent sources of data, originating from both the cyber field and heterogeneous sensors in the physical field.

• Early detection and timely risk assessment to allow prevention or mitigation of the consequences of catastrophic events.

• Introduction of socio-geographical and socio-economic factors for the accurate evaluation of risk analysis.

• Automation in most of the steps that need to be taken during firefighters’ operations to minimize all the significant impacts of fires.

• Interoperability and scalability of the Ecosystem due to the use of open APIs and common data format for all data sources.

• Four-layered approach utilization in the monitoring of forests by exploiting three types of unmanned aerial vehicles and satellite data.

• Multi-stakeholder approach for efficient integration of expert knowledge in forested social and ecological systems; forest economics and policy; and existing EU initiatives and services.

• New fire resilient materials, insurance models, health monitoring, AR tools for fire responders, and a drone seeding technology and satellite data.

• Desktop and mobile user interface of the main computational system provides real time information of the current status, plus the results of the computational analysis of the modules.

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